

Impressive Achievement! UGM Physics Doctoral Student Wins International Award in Vietnam

The Department of Physics at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has achieved international recognition again. Nugraheni Puspita Rini, a doctoral student in Physics at UGM, won the “Best Oral Presentation” award at the prestigious International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA) 2024. The event, held in Vietnam from August 4-8, 2024, attracted 300 participants from 20 countries.

ISAMMA, a biennial symposium, provides a platform for scientists and researchers to present the latest innovations and research in magnetic materials. This year, Nugraheni impressed the judges with her presentation titled “Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamin B using Green Synthesized Fe3O4/rGO/ZnO Magnetic Nanocomposite Utilizing Moringa Oleifera and Amaranthus Viridis Leaf Extract.” Her research explores the use of eco-friendly magnetic nanocomposites to degrade Rhodamin B dye, utilizing Moringa and Red Amaranth leaf extracts as key components in the synthesis.

Nugraheni’s success in this research not only makes a significant contribution to the field of magnetic materials but also aligns strongly with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Her research supports several SDGs, including SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). By developing effective technology for degrading pollutants like Rhodamin B, her research contributes to maintaining clean water and adequate sanitation. The innovation in using natural materials for synthesizing magnetic nanocomposites reflects advancements in environmentally friendly technology that can support sustainable industrial development. Using natural materials such as Moringa and Red Amaranth leaves also demonstrates a commitment to sustainable and responsible production practices.

Nugraheni’s achievement brings pride not only to herself but also to the UGM Physics Department and the entire academic community. This success demonstrates the quality of research and innovation produced by UGM students, showing they can compete internationally and support global sustainability goals. It is hoped that this achievement will inspire all students and researchers to continue creating and achieving for a better and sustainable future.

Authors: Rafida Salma Rahmawati, Dina Wardiningsih

Photos: ISAMMA 2024 Delegates

Writing and Motivation Workshop: Encouraging Doctoral Students to Be Productive

Yogyakarta, July 16, 2024 – The Physics Doctoral Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) organized a “Writing and Motivation Workshop for Doctoral Students” held in Room A106 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM. This event aimed to improve scientific writing skills and motivate doctoral students to achieve academic success and career advancements post-graduation.

The workshop began with registration and opening remarks from Prof. Dr. Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng., the Head of the Physics Department. This was followed by Prof. Sholihun, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.Sc., Head of the Doctoral Program in Physics, who presented program-related materials, from study schemes to dissertations, followed by a Q&A session.

After a coffee break, the first session, titled “Scientific Writing Strategies,” was delivered by Dr. Riris Istighfari Jenie, M.Si., Apt. Dr. Riris provided steps and tips for writing a good and correct scientific manuscript. She also explained the structure of scientific publications, challenges, and strategies to be prepared, based on her experience. The participants were enthusiastic during the Q&A session.

In the second session, I Made Andi Arsana, S.T., M.E., Ph.D. presented on “Strategies and Motivation for Doctoral Students to Achieve Academic Success and Post-Graduation Careers.” He packaged the doctoral education journey into an engaging allegory.

“With a Ph.D., you contribute to the expansion of human knowledge. This is what we call Novelty. You see the world of knowledge has significantly evolved,” said I Made Andi.

He also shared 10 tips on winning in academic and professional life after earning a doctorate. This session also featured an interactive Q&A.

Following this, Dr. Dwi Nugraheni Rositawati shared her experiences and insights from her academic journey during the alumni session. Dr. Dwi Nugraheni discussed various optimization processes in pursuing a Ph.D., organized into three phases: the initial phase, the middle phase, and the final phase.

Marking the end of this insightful and educational event, the workshop concluded with a group photo. This workshop supports several SDG pillars by ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. By enhancing scientific writing skills and academic motivation, this workshop helps doctoral students achieve better academic performance. It also encourages innovation and research that can contribute to the development of sustainable industries and infrastructure. The participants are expected to produce relevant and beneficial research for technological and industrial advancement. This event also reflects a strong partnership between lecturers, alumni, and students in striving for a common goal of improving education and research quality.

Author: Rafida Salma Rahmawati

Photos: Rafida Salma Rahmawati

Road Show: Getting to Know UGM’s Physics Postgraduate Program Better

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 – The Department of Physics at UGM, together with Himpunan Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Fisika (HMPF), once again held a webinar to get to know more about the postgraduate program in Physics. This online event, conducted via Zoom Meeting, was attended by around 60 participants and featured speakers who are experts in their fields.

The event began with a welcome and presentation by Prof. Dr. Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng., as the Head of the Department of Physics, followed by presentations about the study programs by the heads of the master’s and doctoral programs. In this session, participants were given a comprehensive overview of the study programs, including academic information such as curriculum, study plans, research opportunities, the Double-Degree Program (DDP), and scholarship information (specifically for the master’s program).

Students and alumni of the graduate program also attended the webinar to share their experiences while studying in the graduate program. Yosephine, an alumnae of the UGM Master’s Program in Physics who also participated in the Double-Degree Program, shared that she faced difficulties regarding her departure to Kanazawa University for a few months due to quarantine.

The most memorable experience when participating in the DDP was getting to know the educational culture there and expanding my network. This opened up opportunities for me to pursue doctoral education in Japan,” said Yosephine.

Even though it’s remote, I was greatly assisted by the lecturers, especially my advisor, and also the responsive administrative staff. The bureaucracy process has been significantly streamlined in the Doctoral Program, allowing for a greater focus on substantive matters,” said Ravidho, a student in the doctoral program by research.

Sharing session with the Head of Master & Doctoral Study Program, students and alumni

The Research Talk session was opened by Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., who presented an interesting topic titled “Dari Fisikawan menjadi CEO: Meraih Gelar Pascasarjana Fisika untuk Memimpin Inovasi dalam Startup Teknologi.” He explained that as a physicist, there are several basic skills that can be honed to become valuable in the startup world, such as deep understanding, problem-solving prowess, research and development, interdisciplinary sharpness, technological fluency, and critical thinking. It is hoped that through the master’s and doctoral programs at UGM, ‘chiefs’ can be developed to foster startup embryos.

Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha NQZ, S.Si., M.Si. continued with a presentation on the topic “Some Applications of Computational Physics in Fields Outside of Physics” in the second Research Talk session. He explained that computational physics can be applied in various fields, including those outside of physics, such as positional astronomy, light pollution, opinion dynamics in sociophysics, and econophysics.

Presentation of material at the Research Talk session by Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. and Dr. Eng. Rinto Anugraha NQZ, S.Si., M.Si.

The sharing session and Research Talk in this webinar support the SDGs’ pillars 4, 9, and 11. Participants were invited to learn more about the UGM Graduate Program in Physics in order to support sustainable education, including building various skills during their studies. Through this seminar, it is also hoped that UGM graduate program alumni can enhance inclusive and sustainable industrialization, whether through technology startups or other development planning.



Author: Rafida Salma Rahmawati

Photos: HMPF UGM