GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (uploaded online)

The Department of Physics accepts the registration of Physics Doctoral students for the Regular Pathway and the by-Research Pathway (Research-Based). Detailed information about the various doctoral program selection is available through the page: UM UGM. All registration processes are carried out through the page:

All GENERAL REQUIREMENTS documents are uploaded through the page.

Special Requirements:
1. Proof of online registration.
2. Research Pre-Proposal/Research Plan
3. Curriculum Vitae containing biodata, educational background, research/publications.
4. Interview Test: will be conducted if the candidate has met the general requirements and specific requirements. Interview schedule will be informed later.

All documents in the Special Requirements (1-3) are made into 1 PDF file and MUST be sent in the form of digital documents (soft-files) via e-mail to the address :

Destination        :
Subject E-mail     :    S3-PHYSICS-NAME_PARTICIPANT