Pos oleh :


100 Author UGM di Scopus dengan H-index Tertinggi

Selamat atas pencapaian 100 Author UGM di Scopus dengan H-index tertinggi. Lima dari 100 Author tersebut merupakan Dosen Departemen Fisika UGM, yang juga pengajar di Program Doktor Fisika

Prestasi luar biasa ini merupakan bukti dari kontribusi luar biasa yang telah  diberikan dalam dunia penelitian dan akademisi. Kami sangat bangga dengan pencapaian luar biasa ini dan menantikan kontribusi yang lebih besar lagi di masa depan. Selamat!

Selamat Wisuda Periode I Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024

Happy Graduation!

Selamat wisuda bagi para wisudawan / wisudawati Program Pascasarjana FMIPA UGM! Doa tulus, semoga ilmu teman-teman dapat bermanfaat dan menjadi berkah 😇

Sudah tiba saatnya untuk berjuang menggapai impian menuju sukses!

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Pascasarjana Fisika Semester Genap 2023/2024

Hallo teman-teman, siapa yang mau lanjut studi S2 dan S3 Fisika??

Buat kamu yang mau lanjut studi S2 atau S3, Program Pascasarjana Fisika UGM sudah membuka penerimaan mahasiswa baru semester genap 2023/2024 gelombang 1 dan 2 nihhh.
Silakan mengunjungi laman um.ugm.ac.id untuk informasi lengkapnya.

Terkait persyaratan umum & tambahannya, teman-teman bisa akses di:
ugm.id/S2Fisika (Website Magister Fisika)
ugm.id/S3Fisika (Website Doktor Fisika)

Teman-teman juga bisa melihat Open House dari Pascasarjana Fisika UGM pada link berikut:

Siapkan dirimu menjadi bagian dari Departemen Fisika UGM!

#pendaftaran #pascasarjana #fisika #ugm #yogyakarta #depfis #departemenfisika #departmentofphysics #magister #doktor #doktoral #s2 #s3 #magisterfisikaugm #doktorfisikaugm

Special Guest Lecture From Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)

Hi Phyvers!

Gimana kabarnya? Di semester baru ini, yuk upgrade pengetahuan dengan mengikuti Kuliah Umum, pastinya bersama pembicara yang sangat seru dan menarik. Topik Kuliah Umum kali ini adalah “Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors and Hybrid Materials for Sustainable Flexible Electronics” yang akan dibawakan oleh Dr. Juan Paolo S. Bermundo (Division of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan). Kuliah Umum ini akan diadakan secara hybrid pada tanggal 1 September 2023 di Ruang Sidang I Departemen Fisika dan via zoom meeting.

Link Zoom:

Link Pendaftaran:
https://forms.gle/TzShXQUxnTzWQWZ88 atau scan barcode pada poster.
Jangan sampai ketinggalan ya!!!

#seminar #fisika #departemenfisika #ugm #fisikaugm #fisikamaterialfungsional #fisikaterapan #fisikateori #fisikakomputasi #geosains

Training Overseas and Internship Program for Doctoral Students from Kanazawa University in Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)

Program Overview
Universitas Gadjam Mada Proudly opens the registration for an Training overseas and internship program, especially meant for Doctoral students from Kanazawa
University. During the program, should enrich the research experience and
deepen the academic collaboration between the two universities. This has been
part of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) policy, which encompasses nurturing
scientific development founded on international collaboration and providing the
opportunity for doctoral students to develop fresh insights and practical experience that match their research projects.

Program Dates
• July 28 – August 31, 2023

Program Objectives
This training and internship would be purpose to enhance the research capabilities of the doctoral students in cooperation with UGM researchers and to
further advance the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the two
universities. This program would afford participants the opportunity to engage
in research projects within their areas of study, guided by experienced mentors from among the faculty and researchers at UGM, and in a state-of-the-art
laboratory environment.

Program Activities
1. Collaborative Research: Students will take part in a collaborative
study organized and led by Gadjah Mada University. The fields of researcher range from health sciences to engineering, biotechnology, environmental science, among many others.
2. Capacity Building: Participants will be attending regular workshops
and seminars related to increasing their research methodology, data analysis, and academic presentation techniques skills.
3. Cultural Exchange: Students will be allowed to immerse themselves in
Indonesian culture and values through cultural activities with UGM.
4. Guidance and Evaluation: There will be mentorships by each faculty
member from UGM and Kanazawa University. Progress will be regularly
evaluated to see the attainment of learning outcomes.

Application Requirements
• Must be an active doctoral student at Kanazawa University.
• Prepare a research proposal relevant for the study programs opened in
• The students must obtain an approval from an academic supervisor at
Kanazawa University.

How to Apply
It opens onto the official website of Universitas Gadjah Mada, where applicants
are supposed to fill out the application form and upload their research proposal
and other supporting documents.

Contact Information
For more detailed information about this program, please contact the Head of
Faculty Programme in Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Sholihun, S.Si.,
M.Sc., Ph.D.Sc.
Prof. Sholihun, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.Sc. Head of the Faculty Program in Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada
• Email: sholihun@ugm.ac.id
• Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Gadjah Mada Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur,
Yogyakarta 55281
• Phone/Fax: +62 274 6492383
• Website: fisika.fmipa.ugm.ac.id

Join Us
This program is an excellent opportunity for doctoral students to broaden their
academic network and deepen their knowledge in their field of research. Join us
and become part of the international collaboration between Universitas Gadjah
Mada and Kanazawa University!


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